At FBC of Fannett we have a community of women ready to help you connect in meaningful ways with God and other women, equip you to grow deeper in your faith, and empower you to live out God’s purposes for your life.

Beginning in September we will be engaged in a 5 part study over Genesis! Beginning with an in-depth study over The Creation and ending our study in May 2022 with Part 5 of Genesis - Keeping Your Focus When Your Dreams Are Shattered. We will close out the Genesis study with an end of year Ladies Banquet.

Our goal is to help you engage in learning how to study scripture and how to apply it into your life.
We will do this by focusing our ministry on 3 simple factors:
WORD - teaching women how to study and understand scripture through weekly assignments and prayer time.
RELATIONSHIP - Each Sunday evening we will have conversation within our group discussing what we have learned and what God has taught each of us. We will begin building personal relationships within our group and divide into a focused group of three to help with accountability and daily prayer needs away from church.
SERVICE - FBCF Ladies will reach out to the local community in various ways such as and not limited to: praying, feeding, encouraging and supporting the local community.
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